It was...Like a Jam
You know...That kind of white stuff
Jam covered with snow...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sad love photo set

Svichy and I went to Starbucks, had some coffee and а long talk.
By the time, she made some pics.
I think these are one of my saddest pics ever.
Maybe because I had never felt so broken...


  1. Why are you feeling 'broken'? Hope everything's ok! Lovely photos, and I will definitely visit your blog again :)

  2. I'd love to see you again here!

    Well, I feel like empty bottle - winter has started not so good as I expected..
    I'm trying to be strong, but sometimes it's so hard especially when you are alone..

  3. They may be sad but they're so beautiful. And half-reflections in windowpanes are most befitting for sad love... As long as the mirror's not broken, there is hope.


    PS: I'm happy if you want to visit me -

  4. is that you in those pictures? you are stunning.

    the reason i share new zealand talent on my blog is that I am from New Zealand. If i ever find something from Russia to share I definitely will do so though :)

  5. the second picture is really beautiful, i love the effect!!

  6. those are wonderful photos!

  7. очень красиво! как ты меня нашла? :)


Tell me what do you feel..

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